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Spirit Park



May+Watkins, a public art and exhibition design firm, asked me to create identification signs to accompany their sculptures at a park in Texas.


In the client’s words:

Johanna created all the graphic signage for Spirit Park, a large ballpark, pollinator garden and playground in Texas. Her work was designed to not only convey information, but also to complement the fourteen sculptural components that we, (May+Watkins), created for this Park.


The designs that Johanna created are artistic, beautiful and appropriate. Each one is a lovely artwork in itself. I could not have asked for more. In addition, they mesh wonderfully with our sculptures. Her files and technical work were perfect, and everything went smoothly.


Johanna had to submit all her designs to a large committee comprised of park employees and public art officers. There were many design, copy and photo changes, but Johanna maintained her good humor and patience throughout, and demonstrated mature management ability.


I relied greatly on her help, flexibility and understanding. I look forward to working with her again in the near future.

-Carol May, Senior Partner, May+Watkins Design, LLC

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